Category Archives: circus

Video: Gira 2019 Circo Fantazztico

“23 personas viajando por 4 paises de europa en una gira que duró dos meses, les trae un video mostrando nuestras vivencias como familia cirquera que somos…”

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Brinca Brunca Festival & Crowdfunding

We started with the preperations for the fourth Brinca Brunca Festival! Since three years we are organizing this festival to disseminate and democratize art and culture in the region. The festival creates a space for the exchange of arts like … Continue reading

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Video: Circo Fantazztico, Uster

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Photos of the FIA 2014

For more Photos visit the Facebookpage of Circo Fantazztico.  

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Article: The Circus is my Life / “Der Zirkus ist mein Leben”

Mareike Müller recently wrote an article about the Circo FantazzTico on The result went online a few days ago and is a great insight about the circus and the boys and girls involved in this great undertaking.

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Tour dates 2013

These are the current dates for this year’s tour FANTAZZTICO 2013. More dates and infos will follow soon. Heidelberg, HebelHalle, Sa. 14.Sept. 20 Uhr, So. 15. Sept. 17 Uhr Stuttgart, tbd, 16./17. Sept. Nagold, Alte Seminarturnhalle, 18. Sept. Frankfurt, … Continue reading

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Video: TvSur Canal Catorce reports about Circo Fantazztico

A brief report about Circo Fantazztico:

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Documentary: Mach aus deinem Leben ein Zirkus

A new documentary about the Circo is online. The quality is not that great, but an update will follow soon. Mach aus deinem Leben ein Zirkus from Circo Fantazztico on Vimeo.

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Documentary: “Documental Fantazztico”

A documentary that talks about the growth of the “circo fantazztico” since the first tour to Europe and Central America, its members, the juggling, its efforts and achievements. This project is part of the association “vide nueva” in Costa Rica. … Continue reading

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El Circo FantázzTico en el Estadio Nacional

Video: the Circo FantazzTico in the national stadium in Costa Rica – awesome:

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